Alfa, Bravo, Charlie2019

2 ft x 4 ft

Fluorescent bulbs

Alfa, Bravo, Charlie is an artwork composed of seven fluorescent light fixtures arranged in the shape of a seven-segment display that systematically spells out each letter of the English alphabet while also transmitting that information at the rhythm of morse code.

Ie: The letter A ( . _ ) is emitted on the seven-segment display at the rhythmic pace of morse code (Dot Dash). The letter A only appears on the segmented display for 50 milliseconds (Dot) then is off for 50 milliseconds (inter-element gap) then reappears for 150 milliseconds (Dash). The work then continues onto letter B ( _ . . . ), displaying that on the seven-segment display at its corresponding morse code rhythmic pace, and continues through the entire English alphabet.